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Certifications don't guarantee competence but they at least ensure that some minimum standards have been met.

March 1, 2005: FOUR of our software developers have passed one of the prestigious Microsoft exams for competency in the .NET technology (for developing web solutions) and obtained the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification.

This is one of many ways that Thummas Corporation ensures the quality of solutions delivered to our clients. The four employees (Ashwin, Asha, Sarat, and Sunil) can now proudly use the logo below as an indication that they have earned a credential in the Microsoft Certified Professional Program.

®Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries

The above logo represents the individual achievement of our employees. We currently have plans to pursue a company wide certification that would get us the Microsoft Certified Partner status for the entire company.


Why Certifications? We believe in focusing on learning first but to streamline the process, we use industry certifications as initial goals. We recognize that certifications don't guarantee anything except that some basics have been learned. Hence we use these as a starting point.

Company Certification Goals for 2005: We have set our targets on our employees accomplishing at least the following Microsoft, Oracle, and Java certifications - MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solution Developer), MCSE (Microsoft Certificed Systems Engineer), MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator), OCP (Oracle Certified Professional), Java 2 Programmer, and Java Architect among several other important certifications. We also want to achieve the status of Microsoft Certified Partner as a company.